Amend sales order lines

To amend goods, service and costs

  1. Select the Order Details tab.
  2. To add items to the order, click Add Item.

    To amend an item, select from the displayed items and click Edit Item.

    You can add or amend:

    • Standard items.
    • Free text items.
    • Additional charges.
    • Comments.
  3. To delete an item, select the item and click Delete.
  4. To store the amended details, click Save.

    To save your sales order and immediately generate any purchase orders attached to this order, click Save and Generate PO. Only those purchase order items that have not yet had their order generated are processed.

    • If you change an order line in Sales Order's Amend Orders window, when you Save and Generate PO, the changed sales order item is transferred to the purchase order.
    • If you Save and Generate PO, after an order is added to the Generate Order list, no purchase is created. You must remove the item from the list before you can save and generate the purchase order.
  5. To remove goods or services from the order, select the item and click Delete Item. If your system is set up to save cancelled orders, confirm the need to store the removed order line when prompted.