Enter the quotation details

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > Enter New Quotation | Quotation Details.

  1. Select the customer account:

    • If the quotation is for a customer account, choose the customer.
    • If the quotation is for a new customer, you can click New to create their account now.
    • If the quotation is for a potential customer, and you don't want to create an account for them just yet, select Prospect account.

      Enter the Postal name and address details for the prospect customer.

      Note: To use this, you must have already set up a prospect account in the SOP settings Default Accounts tab.

    Note: If customer alerts have been set up for this customer account and document type, they'll be displayed before you continue. To view the alert messages again, click the alert icon next to the customer account. See Customer alerts.

  2. Enter the quotation details:

    By default supply from

    If you are using multiple locations, select the warehouse you want to supply the goods from by default, from the list.

    Note: You can specify a default warehouse for each Sage 200 user in the user permissions.

    Any goods added to the quotation will be allocated from this warehouse where possible. If required, you can change the warehouse for individual items.

    To select the warehouse for each item, leave this blank.

    Document date

    Amend the order date, if required.

    Date requested

    Enter the delivery date requested by the customer, or leave the date blank.

    If you change the date, you can choose to update all existing items in the quotation with the new date (in Sage 200 Professional version 2024 R2 onwards).

    Date promised

    Enter the delivery date you have promised to the customer, or leave the date blank.

    If you change the date, you can choose to update all existing items in the quotation with the new date (in Sage 200 Professional version 2024 R2 onwards).

    The promised date is required if you want to Generate purchase orders in Purchase Order Processing.

    Expiry date

    Enter an expiry date for the quotation, or leave it blank.

    Use this if the quotation is only valid for a certain length of time. For example, a customer might need to place an order within a month to get the price you've offered in the quotation.

    Note: The expiry date is only used for information in the quotation, and is not used when you convert a quotation to a sales order or pro forma.

    Note - information

    This feature is only available from Sage 200 Professional 2022 R1 version onwards.

    Customer order no

    Enter the customer order number, if required.

    Exchange rate

    If the quotation is for a foreign currency customer, enter or amend the exchange rate.

    If the quotation is for a customer, the currency is set on the customer account Company details tab.

    If the quotation is for a prospect, choose the Currency from the drop-down list.

    The exchange rate is set in Accounting System Manager. You can change the exchange rate as long as it is Amendable.

  3. To add goods, services and costs to the quotation, click Add items.
