Confirm the sales return

All returns are confirmed. When you save a return the Return Confirmation window displays the order totals and discounts. The return numbers are generated automatically or entered manually depending on your SOP settings.

To confirm the return

Open: Sales Order Processing > Sales Returns > Enter New Sales Return.

  1. Click Save.

    The Sales Return Confirmation window appears.

  2. Enter or check the return number.

    1. If you generate order and return numbers automatically and have chosen to Show order number when confirmed, the next return number is allocated to the return. It is displayed in the Return no box.
    2. If you enter return numbers manually, enter the return number for the customer in the Return no box. This must be a unique number.
  3. If the return consists only of additional charges (or additional charges with free text lines, not requiring confirmation), you will be asked if you want to print the credit note immediately.

    Click either Yes or No, or click Cancel if you want to go back to the return and add more items.