Process supplier payments

To process supplier payments

Open: Purchase Ledger > Period End Routines > Payment Processing > Generate Payments.

  1. Select to pay single or multiple suppliers:

    • If you select Pay single supplier, enter the Supplier details.
    • If you select Pay multiple suppliers:

      • Select the Payment group.
      • If required, select the relevant Analysis codes so that you can filter the supplies by analysis code.
  2. Select Print remittances and cheques separately, if you want to print the remittances first, followed by the cheques.

    Clear this option to print the remittance first and the cheque immediately following at the foot of the remittance.

  3. Enter the Remittance date.
  4. Enter the Allocation date.

    The Allocation Date is used to age transactions on the retrospective aged creditors report.

    Note: When you allocate a payment/receipt, the allocation date will default to either today's date or your remittance date. This depends on what you have chosen as the Default allocation date in Purchase Ledger Settings.

  5. Enter the Cheque number. This will also be used as the Reference for the transaction.

    Note: If the supplier is set up to be paid using Supplier Payments, the Reference will be used as the reference for the actual bank transfer. This applies to Sage 200 Professional version 2023 R1 onwards.

  6. Enter the Second ref. This will be used on all payments if you are paying multiple suppliers and if you are summarising payments.
  7. Select Allow cheque value to exceed account balance if you want payment to proceed even although it will result in the supplier having a negative account balance.
  8. To add a message to the remittance advice, click Messages.

  9. If you have selected to print the remittances and cheques separately you are prompted to continue after the remittances have printed.
  10. Click OK.
  11. If applicable, repeat for each payment group.

What happens if there are errors?

If a suggested payment cannot be generated for a supplier, the reason will be displayed in the error log.

Save remittances to cloud document storage

Supplier remittances that have been saved to cloud document storage can be viewed in PDF format.

Open: Purchase Ledger > Supplier List, then select the supplier and click View in Document Storage.

  • The supplier's folder is displayed in cloud document storage.
  • Remittances are stored in the Remittance folder.

See Save printed documents to cloud document storage.