Creating multi item estimates

To create multi item estimates

Open: Estimating > Records > Enter New Multi Item Estimate.

  1. Enter estimate header information on:
  2. Enter estimate detail lines on the Main Details tab, as follows:
    • Click in the first empty line in the Estimates grid.

      The Estimate No. will not be shown until you click Save. The number will be the estimate header number plus a suffix, specified in Estimating settings Numbering tab.

    • Select the product code from the Stock Code drop-down list, if required.
    • The Description appears automatically. Enter or change the description required.
    • Enter the quantity required in the Qty Req. box.

      If the quantity you enter does not match the default stocked unit of measure The quantity in which a stock item is measured for purchase, sale or storage., the quantity is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.

    • The Due Date defaults to the date entered on the estimate header but you can change this, if required.
    • The number of individual items required for each finished item defaults to 1 in the No. Pieces box. Change the number, if required. The quantities for each item are recalculated.
    • When entering a new estimate the status is Entered. If you have Manager access rights, you can change the Status.
    • Enter a customer reference in the Cust. Ref. No. box.
    • Enter a project number in the Proj. No. box. This defaults to the Project Number entered on the estimate header. You can change this, if required.
    • The Follow Up and MRP Linked settings default to the settings entered on the estimate header. You can change these, if required.
  3. To save your estimates, click Save.
  4. Note: You can add or amend details for individual multi item estimates through the Amend Multi Item Estimate option or through the Amend Estimate option.