Web Extensions

Find this screen

Open: Accounting System Manager > System Utilities > Web Extensions

What are Web Extensions?

You can use Web Extensions to customise screens in the Web Portal.

You can customise web screens by using a JSON schema file, without having to write complex JavaScript.

Note - information

To learn more about producing your own Web Extensions, visit the Sage Developer site (opens in a new tab).

Manage Web Extensions

The Web Extensions list shows all the current extensions that have been added to the Web Portal and are available to use.

Open: Accounting System Manager > System Utilities > Web Extensions

  • You can add a new extension, amend an extension, or delete an extension.

  • To enable or disable an extension in the list, select Amend and set Web extension enabled.

    Tip: If you have any problems with your extensions, you can use Disable All to quickly disable all of the extensions. You can then re-enable each extension one-by-one to help identify which extension has a problem.

  • If you want to share an extension or edit the extension outside of Sage 200, you can download the JSON schema file for the extension. Select Amend, then select Download JSON.

Using the editor

You can use the editor to write the JSON code for your extensions, or copy and paste JSON code from an external editor.

  • For a list of available commands and keyboard shortcuts in the editor, press F1 inside the editor.

  • For help on accessibility options in the editor, press Alt+F1 inside the editor.

  • To optimise the editor for usage with a screen reader, press Ctrl+E inside the editor.

Customisation using the SDK tools

Sage 200 Professional provides additional functionality for customising screens in the Web Portal.

You can use the SDK tools to bundle a range of customisations directly into an SDBX Package. You can then distribute the SDBX package so it can be installed as an add-on using System Administration.

This feature also allows for greater flexibility when writing customisations, as you can include other JavaScript libraries, and write customisations in JavaScript.

Note: The use of JavaScript and other libraries in customisation is not supported by Sage Developer Services, but can be discussed with other developers in our Sage Developer Community (opens in a new tab).

Note - information

This functionality is only available to members of the UK Developer Programme, which gives developers access to the Sage 200 SDK, developer tools and support. If you are interested in becoming a member, please email us about the developers programme (opens in a new tab).

To learn more about customisation using the SDK tools, visit the Sage Developer site (opens in a new tab).

Control access to this screen

You might want to control who can add or amend your Web Portal customisations.

You can do this by controlling user access to the Web Extensions feature in System Administration.

Open: System Administration

  1. Select Roles.

  2. Right-click the Role Name and choose Features.

  3. Enable or disable the feature Accounting System Manager > Administration > Web Extensions (Web Portal).