Create, amend, and view customer accounts

Find this screen

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Accounts > New Customer

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Accounts > Amend Customer

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Enquiries > View Customer

How to

Create a new customer account

Some of your customer details are inherited from your defaults in Customer Defaults and Settings. Any customer defaults that were defined in the settings are applied automatically to each account. You can keep or change them as you create each account.

Some of these defaults also carry through to individual transactions. Again, you can amend them as you enter the details of a transaction.

You must enter a code and name before you can save a new account.

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Accounts > New Customer

  1. Enter the customer's account Code.

    • This can be up to eight characters and consist of letters, numbers or both.
    • The code is not case sensitive for upper and lower case letters, so an account reference of "abc" is the same as "ABC".
    • You can't enter a code if you have selected Automatically generate customer numbers in the Customer Defaults and Settings. The code is generated when you save the account.
  2. Enter a Name and Short name.

    Note: You must enter a code and name before you can save a new account.

  3. The Currency defaults to your company base currency. The base currency is set in Currencies and Exchange Rates in the Sage 200 desktop.

    • If the customer account is in a different currency, choose whether the customer will use the Single or Period exchange rate. This only applies to currencies set up to use both single and period exchange rates.
    • If you are amending customer details, you cannot change the currency.
  4. You can set a Credit limit on a customer's account to help you control the customer's debt.

    • Once the customer's account balance is more than their credit limit, any invoices and orders that are entered for the customer are automatically put on hold. You can take them off hold as required, even if the customer's account is still over the credit limit.
    • You can allow certain users to override the credit limit. This is set in the invoice and order User Permissions in the Sage 200 desktop. Once set, the user will see a warning when entering the order or invoice, and they can choose to continue to save it without it being put on hold.
  5. Enter your customer's information on the following tabs:


    The customer's name and address details. The code, name and address are used for printing details on reports, and invoices and mailing labels.

    See Company details (customer account).


    Add contact details for different people for this customer; such as telephone number, mobile, fax, email address, website address.

    See Contacts (customer account).


    Your customer's VAT details, the default nominal account and the analysis code values.

    See Trading details (customer account).

    Payment The settlement discount details, and payment terms. These are taken from the customer default settings.

    See Payment details (customer account).


    The credit reference information about the customer. If you use a credit control agency, set the agency's reference here.

    See Credit terms (customer account).


    The statement, sales invoice and credit note document templates to be used when these documents are printed in the Sage 200 desktop.

    Note: These stationery formats and discounts only apply to invoices that are printed in the Sage 200 desktop.

    See Documents (customer account).


    Comments about the customer's account, such as reminders about issues that should be taken into consideration when contacting the customer.

    See Memos (customer account).


    The pricing and discount details for this customer.

    You can change the discount and price bands the customer belongs to from here and set invoice and line discounts.

    See Pricing (customer account).


    Alerts are messages that are displayed when you select a customer account, so you can set up reminders for a particular customer.

    You can show alerts when entering invoices or credit notes, sales orders and returns, quotations and pro forma invoices, and for customer price enquiries.

    See Customer alerts.

Amend a customer account

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Accounts > Amend Customer

Any changes you make to an account will only affect transactions that you enter after you've made the changes. For example, if you change the settlement discount details, this doesn't affect the discount details already entered on transactions.

  • You can't change the account Code once the account has been saved. If you've entered a code incorrectly and haven't entered any transactions for it, delete the account and recreate it.
  • You cannot amend an account that is on hold.

Once transactions have been entered for an account:

  • You can't change the currency.
  • You can't delete the account.

View a customer account

Open: Sales Ledger > Sales Enquiries > View Customer

When you view a customer account, you can see additional details on the following tabs:

Aged balances

Use Aged Balances to view the age of your customer's debt.

You can view the outstanding balance by transaction date, by due date and by calendar month.



This shows the sales transactions for this customer by period.

  • The amounts are the total value of invoices, credit notes, and receipts / payments.
  • The amounts are net values and do not include VAT.
  • Transactions are always included in the turnover figures in the period that the transaction is dated.
  • The receipts and payments amount does not include any settlement discounts due.

Turnover by year

This shows the sales transactions for this customer by year.

  • The amounts are the total value of invoices, credit notes, and receipts / payments.
  • The amounts are net values and do not include VAT.
  • Transactions are always included in the turnover figures in the year that the transaction is dated.
  • The receipts and payments amount does not include any settlement discounts due.


If a customer account has an active alert, Active is displayed next to the Alerts tab.

Useful info

What if I create an account in error?

As long as no transactions have been posted to the account, you can just delete it. Just Amend the Account and select Delete.

Once transactions have been entered for an account, it can't be deleted.

If you can't delete the account and want to stop it being used when entering transactions, you can set its status to Hidden.

See Delete a customer account.

See Change customer status (hide or put on hold).