Trading details (supplier account)

Find this screen

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > New Supplier

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > Amend Supplier

  • Use the Trading tab to enter your supplier's VAT information, default nominal account and analysis codes.

Trading details (VAT)

Country code

The Country code that you select here is the supplier's country for VAT purposes. This is used when calculating EU VAT.

By default, the Country code is taken from your Company Details in the Sage 200 desktop.

The country specified on the supplier account Company tab is for a postal address only.

Default VAT code

  • Use Default VAT code to set the default VAT rate for supplier accounts and transactions.

    If the supplier will use the standard VAT rate, you won't need to change this.

    If you change this, the new VAT rate is used by default when entering subsequent transactions for this supplier. Existing transactions are not affected.

VAT number

Enter your supplier's VAT registration number.

Keep transactions for

You can choose how long you want to store your supplier transactions per account.

The default for this is set using Account history options in Supplier Defaults and Settings.

Enter the number of months (up to 36) you want to Keep transactions for. After this time the transactions are archived or can be deleted.

Order Priority (sales orders only)

Use Order priority to set the level of importance for sales orders that are entered for this supplier.

  • A is the highest priority and Z is the lowest.
  • The Order priority is used when you allocate stock to outstanding orders, if you allocate by Order priority.

Note: You only need this if you're using Sales Order Processing.

Default Nominal Code

This is the nominal account you want to use to post the purchase values to when entering transactions for this supplier. You can change this on individual transactions if required.

You can only select a Posting nominal account (Account type set to Posting).

The nominal account most commonly used for this is the Default Nominal Account for Default Purchases, which is a profit and loss nominal account.

Analysis Codes

You can use the analysis codes to filter transactions on your reports.

The Analysis codes that you selected to use in the Purchase Ledger in the Sage 200 desktop are displayed by default.

To change an analysis code, select the Value from the list.

You can't enter new analysis codes or enter free text for analysis codes in the Web Portal yet. If you need to do this, you will need to use the Sage 200 desktop.

Useful info

About analysis codes

Analysis codes are extra pieces of information that you can use as custom fields, to improve your reporting and to compare different areas of your business.

For example, you might want to record your sales and purchases by region. To do this you would set up a single Region code with all the required values. You would then add this code to the Sales Ledger and Purchase Ledger but change the label to Sales Region and Purchase Region.

You can have 20 analysis codes for each area.

Each analysis code has two parts:

  • A code Name or Field Label.

    This is a label that tells you what information the analysis code will be used for, so you know what information to enter. For example, if you want a breakdown of your sales by region, you might create a code label of Region.

  • A Value.

    The value is information that you want to record for the analysis code. The value can be chosen from predefined values that you set up for the analysis code. For example, if you have created an analysis code of Region, the values could be South East, South West, Midlands, Wales.

Questions (analysis codes)

No values listed?

If you don't see any values listed for an analysis codes, that's because predefined values haven't been set for that analysis code yet.

You can set up values for the analysis codes on the Maintain Analysis Codes screen in the Sage 200 desktop (Accounting System Manager > Settings > Maintain Analysis Codes).

Can't enter a free text value or add a new value?

You can't enter new analysis codes or enter free text for analysis codes in the Web Portal yet. If you need to do this, you will need to use the Sage 200 desktop.

Incorrect value is always selected?

If the wrong Value is always selected by default for an analysis code, then you can change this by setting a different value as the Default.

If the predefined Value itself is incorrect, then you can also change this by adding or updating a Value for the analysis code.

You can change values and settings for analysis codes on the Maintain Analysis Codes screen in the Sage 200 desktop (Accounting System Manager > Settings > Maintain Analysis Codes).

Can I make an analysis code mandatory?

You can make an analysis code mandatory to ensure that it is always entered for accounts and orders.

To make an analysis code mandatory, select Mandatory in the Maintain Analysis Codes screen for the appropriate analysis code area (customers, suppliers, nominal account, sales orders, purchase orders, stock control) in the Sage 200 desktop.

You must also set a Default value for the mandatory analysis code.