Turnover (supplier account)

Find this screen

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Enquiries > View Supplier

  1. Select the supplier account.
  2. Select the Turnover tab.


This shows the purchase transactions for this supplier by period.

  • The amounts are the total value of invoices, credit notes, and receipts / payments.
  • The amounts are net values and do not include VAT.
  • Transactions are always included in the turnover figures in the period that the transaction is dated.
  • The receipts and payments amount does not include any settlement discounts due.

Turnover by year

This shows the purchase transactions for this supplier by year.

  • The amounts are the total value of invoices, credit notes, and receipts / payments.
  • The amounts are net values and do not include VAT.
  • Transactions are always included in the turnover figures in the year that the transaction is dated.
  • The receipts and payments amount does not include any settlement discounts due.