Contacts (supplier account)

Find this screen

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > New Supplier

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > Amend Supplier

  • Use the Contacts tab to add details of contacts for a supplier account.

How to

Add an account contact

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > Amend Supplier

  1. Select the supplier account.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Select Add New.
  4. Enter the contact name.
  5. Enter the contact details on the Email, Mobile, Telephone, Fax and Web site tabs.

    • To add another item of information, such as another number or email address, select Add.

    • If you have more than one item of information, choose the main one for the contact by selecting the Default column.
    • To remove an item of information, select Delete button Delete.
  6. Select Save to add the new contact.

    The contact is shown in the Contacts list.

Amend a contact

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > Amend Supplier

  1. Select the supplier account.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Select the contact and select Amend.
  4. Edit the contact's name or details.

  5. Select Save to save the changes.

Delete a contact

Open: Purchase Ledger > Purchase Accounts > Amend Supplier

  1. Select the supplier account.
  2. Select the Contacts tab.
  3. Select the contact.

  4. Select Delete button Delete.

You cannot delete a contact if:

  • The contact is a Preferred Contact for one of the mandatory roles - Account or SendRemittanceTo. You must first set a different contact to be the preferred contact for either of these roles in the Sage 200 desktop.
  • The contact is the only contact for the supplier. While you cannot delete your last contact, you can set the contact name and all its details to be blank.

Useful info

About job roles

You can set a job role for people that you add as contacts for a supplier account (in the Sage 200 desktop).

When you create a supplier account, a blank default contact record is created. This contact record automatically includes the mandatory job roles for Account and SendRemittanceTo.

When you add more contacts to the supplier account, no roles will be added to these additional contact records.

  • Use the Account role for the person who is the main contact for this supplier account.

    This is the same as setting the person as the Default contact. The default contact details are automatically used by Sage 200 on common reports such as the Aged Creditors Report in the Sage 200 desktop, and on the Supplier List.

  • Use the SendRemittanceTo role for the person who will receive documents and letters for this supplier account.

    Sage 200 uses the default email address of this contact when you send a statement.

  • Use any of the other roles to identify who to contact for that supplier.

    You can also set up additional job roles using Customer and Supplier Roles in the Sage 200 desktop.

To assign a job role to a contact, set them as the Preferred Contact for that role in the Sage 200 desktop.

  • You can apply multiple roles to a contact.
  • Each role can only have one Preferred Contact for that supplier.
  • You can't delete a contact if they are the Preferred Contact for one of the mandatory roles Account or SendRemittanceTo. You must first set a different contact to be the preferred contact for either of these roles in the Sage 200 desktop.