Country codes

Find this screen

Open: Settings > Organisational and Financial > Country Codes.

How to

Add a country code

To add a new country code:

  1. Click Add.

    A new row appears at the bottom of the list for your new country code and your cursor is placed in the Code field.

  2. Add the two character country code and the country's name.

    We used the ISO country codes within this list so although you could use any code we advise you stick with the adopted standard.

    Note: You can't use the same code twice. If the Code field turns red, that means the code is already in use, and you'll have to use a different code.

  3. If the country is a member of the European Union, select EU.
  4. If your company is registered for tax in this country add your tax number. The system does not use the registration number but this is a good place to store it. At least you'll know where to find it should you need it.

Amend a country code

There are times when you need to amend an existing country code; if a country enters or leaves the EU, if its name contains a spelling mistake or if you want to add or amend the tax number assigned to you by a country.

To amend a country code:

  1. Find and click on the country's details in the list.
  2. Make your amendments:
    • Although you can amend the two character code, we'd advise you don't.
    • You can change the country's name.
    • Select the EU box if the country has joined the EU, or clear the EU box if the country has left the EU.
    • Add or amend your company's tax number.

Delete a country code

You can only delete a country from this list if it is not being used within Sage 200. A country code is considered in use when it has been linked to either a customer or supplier record.

To delete a country code:

  1. Select the country code in the list.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click OK.

    If the code can't be deleted, an error message is displayed.

Print your country codes

You can generate and print a report that details all the country codes detailed within Sage 200.

To print the Country Codes report click Print.

Useful info

Country codes

Sage 200 contains a list of two character country codes and descriptions that you use to indicate the country in which your customers and suppliers are based - for the benefit of EU VAT accounting requirements.

You will find this list is pre-populated with all the countries you need. Country descriptions include an EU indicator that is selected for countries in the EU. In fact, there are very few times that you'll need to visit this form to update it. You should only need to come to this screen if:

  • A country joins the EU.
  • A country leaves the EU.
  • You register for tax in a country and want to make a note of your tax number within Sage 200.

Update the GB country code after Brexit

You will need to change the GB country code from being a EU member to a non-EU member.

You need to change this for all your Sage 200 companies.

Open: Settings > Organisational and Financial > Country Codes.

  1. Find the GB country code.
  2. Deselect the EU box.