Process standing orders and direct debits
Find this screen
Open: Cash Book > Standing orders and direct debits > Process standing orders and direct debits
How to
Post upcoming standing orders and direct debits
To post standing order and direct debits:
Choose the date up to which you want to process due transactions.
All Standing Orders and Direct Debits that are due, up to and on this date, will be processed.
You can enter the date or select it from the date picker
Click OK.
Useful info
Posting upcoming standing order and direct debit transactions
You must process your standing order and direct debit records regularly in order to keep your system up-to-date. Processing your direct debits and standing orders posts transactions to their associated bank accounts. During the processing phase, you specify a date and Sage 200 posts any transaction that fall due before or on the stated date.
You can run the process over the same date range multiple times to make sure that you account for any new standing order or direct debits records.
Reporting on direct debits and standing orders
- Use the Standing Orders and Direct debits Enquiry to see a list of the SO and DD for each bank account with the payment details ( Bank Account List > Enquiries). You can also see this information in a workspace ( Cash Book > Cash book Enquiries).
- Use the Direct debits and Standing Orders Due report to find the outstanding value of SO and DD. Useful for working out your committed costs.
- Use the Direct debits and standing orders report for full printed details of SO and DDs.
What happens when I
Click OK?
You've specified the end date and clicked OK. So what happens next?
Sage 200 checks every bank account for a direct debit or standing order payment each day up to the end date you specified.
Each time the system finds a payment, it posts a transaction to the relevant bank account.
Want to see where those transactions are posted?
To see the transactions Sage 200 posts when you process standing orders and direct debits go to:
- the Payment Details panel of the Standing Orders and Direct Debits Enquiry screen for details of transactions posted for individual direct debit or standing order records.
- the Transaction Enquiry screen to see details of all transactions posted to a particular bank account.
You also check the transactions posted to your bank account in Sage 200 against your bank statement when you perform a bank reconciliation.