Report categories

What are report categories for?

Report categories are used to create your financial statements. They divide your nominal accounts into groups, which are then used to create the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss.

Each report category determines how the value from each nominal account is reported on your financial statements. To do this, each report category has a:

  • Report Type: Determines whether the account balance is reported on the Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet.
  • Category Type: Determines the section the balance is included in; Asset or Liability for the Balance Sheet; Income or Expense for the Profit and Loss.

How do I create them?

We have provided a set of predefined standard report categories that reflect the broad groups of things required by most businesses. These are created when you first set up Sage 200.

If you also chose to use the set of nominal accounts provided by us, these will already be linked to the predefined report categories and no further set up is required.

If you have additional categories that you want to report on, you can add your own report categories. If you do add your own, then make sure that:

  • You choose the correct type and category, depending on the financial reports the values will be included on.
  • You add them to the relevant financial statement layouts. This is to make sure they're included in your financial reports.
  • You link them to the correct nominal accounts.

Report categories are used to create your financial statements and group your account balances for reporting purposes.

Each report category determines how the value from each nominal account is reported on your financial statements. To do this, each report category has a:

  • Report Type: Determines whether the account balance is reported on the Income and Expenditure reports (Profit and Loss) or Balance Sheet.
  • Category Type: Determines the section the balance is included in; Asset or Liability for the Balance Sheet; Income or Expense for the Profit and Loss.

How do I create them?

When you first set up Sage 200, a predefined set of report categories is provided for you, along with a layouts for your financial reports so you can print them 'out of the box' with no further set up.

For academies, they represent categories used by most schools. For maintained schools these report categories match the CFR codes.

What if I want to create my own?

If you have additional categories that you want to report on, you can add your own report categories. If you do add your own, then make sure that:

  • You choose the correct type and category, depending on the financial reports the values will be included on.
  • You add them to the relevant financial statement layouts. This is to make sure they're included in your financial reports.
  • You link them to the correct nominal accounts.

SOFA categories

If you're an academy, you'll have some additional SOFA categories. These are used to report on the income and expenditure of your funds. Each SOFA category determines which section of the SOFA report, the nominal accounts balance is included on.

Just choose the SOFA category, as well as the report category, for the relevant nominal accounts. These are likely to be all income and expense accounts that also have a cost centre (fund), and those balance sheet accounts that need to be included on the SOFA report.

Importing your report categories

If you already have a different set of report categories, an easy way to add them to Sage 200 is to import them via a spreadsheet (CSV file). To do this you just need to make sure spreadsheet has the correct columns, so the data can be recognised by Sage 200, and to make sure that the rows don't contain any commas.

How do I report on them?

The report categories are used to create all your financial statements, (Profit and Loss Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet). This could be via a printed report or via Excel. Each report has a special layout where the report categories are specified for each section. The balance of all nominal accounts with that report category are then included on the relevant sections of the report.

If you're an academy, the SOFA categories are only used to report account balances on the Statement of Financial Activities report.

If you're a maintained school, we've produced a special CFR Balances report. This report is produced as an Excel Spreadsheet, so you can use Excel to edit it to make it suitable to send to your LEA.

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