Imploding BOMs

To implode BOMs

Open: Enquiries > Implosion.

  1. Select the Item Type to see where it is used in the BOM hierarchies.
  2. Select the Parents selection to specify the detail of the assemblies that you want to see when you click Display.
  3. If version control is in use, select the statuses that you want to implode.

    Note: You cannot implode a retired BOM.

  4. Click Display.

    The selected items are displayed in the list. They are expanded using the Parents selection and to the level specified (if level is applicable).

    Note: The quantities will include the scrap percentage if you have selected to calculate scrap in Implosion on the BOM Settings Scrap tab.

  5. To work with the list:

  6. To print the data shown in the list, click Print.
  7. To close the window, click Close.