Authorise roles for refunds

Use the Refund Roles tab to select each role that is authorised to make refunds for the vendor account.

Refunds can also be authorised for roles through Authorise refunds.

To authorise roles for refunds

Open: System Administration > Online Payments.

  1. Right-click the Vendor Configuration Name and choose Properties.

  2. Select the Refund Roles tab.

  3. Authorise refunds.

    • To authorise refunds for one or more roles:

      1. Select the roles you want to authorise refunds from the All Roles list.

      2. Click > to move the roles to the Selected Roles list.

    • To authorise refunds from all roles, click >> to move all roles to the Selected Roles list.

  4. Remove authorisation.

    • To remove one or more roles:

      1. Select the roles you want to remove from the Selected Roles list.

      2. Click < to move the roles to the All Roles list.

    • To remove all roles, click << to move the roles to the All Roles list.

  5. Click OK to confirm the authorisation.