Cancel a purchase order

To cancel a purchase order

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Amend Order Status.

  1. Use the Selection criteria to find the order you are interested in or click Show All Orders.

    Show All Orders displays live orders and those on hold The 'on hold' status indicates that an account or an order has been queried. It is suspended to prevent any processing until the on hold status is removed ('off hold')., not completed orders.

  2. Select the order that you want to cancel.
  3. Click Cancel Order.

Cancelling orders linked to requisitions

  1. When you cancel the order, you can choose whether to also cancel the requisition line.

    • If you don't want to order the remaining items, choose to cancel the requisition line. The person who submitted the requisition will see a requisition fulfilment line that shows the reduced quantity as being Cancelled.
    • If you still want to order the deleted items, choose to only delete the order line. The items can be included on a new order when you generate orders. The person who submitted the requisition will see a requisition fulfilment line that shows the reduced quantity as being Submitted, and not yet ordered.
  2. You can enter a reason why you cancelled the order line.

    The person who submitted the requisition can see this as a Comment on the requisition line.