Verify Data
Use Verify Data to ensure that your data is intact and has not become corrupt in any way.
If there is a possibility of data corruption (for example, you may have experienced network or computer failure while posting transactions), you should run this routine immediately to check the integrity of the data.
It is also good practice to run this routine on a regular basis to prevent any problems being left undetected for any length of time. If problems are not discovered, your daily processing and backups will be affected.
Verify Data carries out various validity checks. The checks differ depending on the ledger selected for validation from either the Financials modules or Commercials modules.
Note: You must ensure there are no other users operating Sage 200 when you run this routine.
Once you have run Verify Data you may want to run Ledger Summaries to see the overall status of each ledger in terms of number of accounts per ledger, ledger balance and the period you are currently working in.
Note: If you have set the Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger to Use foreign currency revaluation then balancing ledgers uses Foreign Account Revaluation and may result in postings to the currency adjustments account in the Nominal Ledger.